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A collection of stories. We are all about immortalizing weddings and celebrations for those who value a one of a kind experience.

Saskia´s Journal

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That day you went away….

Stillness and desaturated colours – here where you lived and I still live,  every day  – sudden – out of the blue – happy and sad memories, that make me either smile or cry. We shared our life for the past 12 years, my son had become your eager student, you both immersed in encyclopedics, absorbing latin names of flora and fauna, exploring wild paleontology and rare fragments in nature. Together bound traveling across countries and life long wisdom, the three of us shared your wonderful world of Einstein-knowledge as well as your profound love for nature and the world we live in. Listening to you and later reading to you – your monthly science magazines – feeding your never ending curiosity. When you became older and fragile I made sure nothing was short in your life and became your third hand and alter ego. My son then embraced you like you had embraced him when he was tiny.

Until that one day,

when time froze and stillness commenced.

I held your hand – still warm – as if you were staying here with me.

Yet the last breath had just escaped your lips.

You last whisper.

Heavy silence filled the big house.

Endless tears over your forever closed wise blue eyes.

Your voice still echoing through the hallways.



I am eternally grateful for the times we spent together and will forever miss you.

As a photographer I wish so much that I had only one portrait of you, my son and myself together, that is not just an iphone pic but a real portrait-photo of us three, picturing the small family we were.

What remains are endless years of moments and lifelong unknown memories that you shared with us and too many stories of your unbound life, that fill my heart. I know you listen to me every day and are watching over my son and me – now from a better place.

Until we meet again …

Adios . Farewell. Machs gut.. Papa.

Adios . Farewell.

Que la tierra abra camino para sus pasos,

y el viento sople suavemente en tu espalda.

Que el sol siempre brille cálido en tu cara

y llueva suave sobre tus campos.

Y hasta que nos encontremos nuevamente,

que los Dioses te tengan en la palma de su mano.



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