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Day 8: Mongol Derby 2015 8th place: Thomas Ellingsén

The Mongol Derby 2015 in 38 posts

For 38 consequent days I will each day post some of my favorite shots that I took throughout the Mongol Derby 2015 in Mongolia.

37 Days for the 37 riders that participated and 1 day for crew, horses and landscapes.

Today, Day 8, rider 8, the Mongol Derby´s 8th place: Thomas Ellingsén.

The man who taped his b**** during the derby, right? Besides that his wide smile from start to finish and collecting funny things along the way 🙂

Well done, Thomas!

Thomas Ellingsen, place8 of the Mongol Derby 2015 photos by Saskia Marloh

The Mongol Derby 2015 in 38 posts by Saskia Marloh

Thomas Ellingsen, place8 of the Mongol Derby 2015 photos by Saskia Marloh

The Mongol Derby 2015 in 38 posts by Saskia Marloh

It’s not too late to throw your hat in the ring if you think you have what it takes, sign-up here:
Mongol Deby 2016




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