Valentina Sico
Hair- and Makeup Artist
3 retouched images (high-res)
colour/ black & white
Styling (Hair and Makeup)
3 looks EUR 250,00
Each additional retouched image EUR 45,00
Polas/ Digitals EUR 90,00
Portrait sessions start at
EUR 200
model setcard/
business headshot/
actors portrait
What I offer in my studio in Mainz, Frankfurt and beyond:
Mainz, Frankfurt
T: 0177 717 27 05
Valentina has become my trusted and recommended stylist for many of my photo sessions and weddings. Her enthusiasm and artistry is one of a kind.
We have worked together on set cards, business-or creative portraits, head-shots, actors portraits, contemporary art as well as beauty shots.
Photo sessions take place at the studio and on location.
I cannot wait to welcome you in my new studio in Mainz, near Frankfurt.
Looking forward to connecting.
Meet the stylist — Valentina Sico
I´m Saskia, founder of Saskia Marloh Photographer. Here is a quick story for you:
Did you know that art was already in my blood long before I was born, when my mother, a Dutch art historian, decided to name her first born "Saskia", to honour her favourite painter Rembrandt, and his wife, Saskia.
OUR UNIQUE APPROACH, with elements of film, world cultures and fashion, IS WHAT SETS US APART.
Globally based brides, couples and their families have been trusting me with crafting their legacy since more than 12 years.
Meet the face behind the lens — Saskia Marloh