International Photographer

Portrait Gallery Femmes Sauvajes Saskia Marloh Photo Studio

Portrait Studio Saskia Marloh

Femmes Sauvajes Portrait Series

Femmes Sauvajes Portrait Series Gallery

Portrait Gallery Femmes Sauvajes Saskia Marloh Photo Studio

© Saskia Marloh Weddings • International Photographer • Germany Abu Dhabi



Every portrait image has its very own story, and captures much more than a face, but the essence of a personality.


From the 88 year old German descendant Dra. Laszewitsch in Salta / Argentina, that was terminally ill with cancer, that I met in the streets of Salta and after a chat she asked me to take a photo and send it to her;

the eldest female gaucha of the village, I lived in in Argentina. I did not ask her age, that I met at a fiesta gaucha in the pampas of Argentina – of course on her horse – ;


the quiet girl in San Pedro de Atacama in Chile;

my dearest friend in the UAE, that has disappeared 2 and a half years ago and I miss her every day;


the talented singer in Offenbach;

the dedicated endurance rider from Finland that I met in the UAE;


the Swiss girl with a hand for especially one Arabian endurance horse;

the beautiful dancer in her red dress in Fujairah, that also has become a female UAE endurance rider;


one very special beautiful inside and out friend that shared with me her pre-wedding, wedding, maternity, new-born and her child’s 1st birthday and stood by my side in my very roughest times;

her amazing and beautifully young at heart and sexy mother;


a big-hearted *****star cook, that always goes the extra mile, where nobody else would;

her beautiful wild long-legged daughter;


smiling beautiful native women in the steppes of Mongolia;

a South African girl, the first woman, to work with falcons in the UAE;


a beautiful hotel owner in the Rheingau; the gorgeous red haired food specialist;

the wild, mixed race girl, dedicated to beauty;


the most talented Rheingau blogger that connects people without the slightest effort;

the amazing wife of my brother and mom to my one and only cute little niece in Montreal;


the great woman that hosts other peoples events in the region;

the member of a party that trusted me to photograph her for the election campaign in Wiesbaden 2018;


the gorgeous Italian girl that loves wearing Boho style in front of the camera and can pole dance; 

the murderous sisters founder and incredible crime book author Fenna Williams from Wiesbaden;


and more are yet to come. 

If you think you got what it takes to be part of the “Femmes Sauvajes” gallery, contact me.








– Diane Arbus

"a photograph is a secret about a secret."